strawberry Aqua

“This is music you can listen to when you’re both happy or sad, and it’s still the perfect song for that moment.”





  • Becca Rogers


    Becca has been songwriting since the age of 13 and producing for the past 6 years. Her primary instruments are the keyboard and synthesizers. Becca lives in Arlington, VA

  • Marion Birdsall


    Marion has been songwriting and singing for most of her life. Apart from her voice, her primary instrument is the guitar.

How Strawberry Aqua Started

Becca Rogers and Marion Birdsall met in elementary school in Tucson, Arizona and bonded over a shared love of making YouTube videos, sneaking into pop punk concerts, and writing pop music. After high school, they lost touch for 7 years. Shortly before the pandemic, they caught up and discovered they were both still passionate about songwriting. During COVID-19, it quickly became an outlet for each of them.

Their first song was written in a day, and they found themselves in a studio two weeks later: Marion in LA and Becca in Washington, DC. Together they co-created their first song while having not actually seen each other in person since high school. The process was so enjoyable for the two of them that they knew they had to make more. With no intentions or expectations, they started writing and recording. Two bicoastal reunions and over a dozen songs later, they’ve released their first single, ‘Last Dance.’